Moodle is Content Management System (CMS) which very popular. Many E-learning system uses this framework to create and manage the contents. To install it is very easy. But no with vista, On vista installation sometime to be dificult thing. For the first time install moodle in vista, i found the difficulties, but finally i got the solution. Here my note about how to install moodle on vista.

I use camStudio to capture the screen video for demonstration . It can be download freely from . To use it :

  1. Download and install camCoder installer from
  2. Open camCoder.
  3. Set “Video Option” and “Cursor Option”
  4. Start recording by press button “record”
  5. Stop recording by press button “stop”
  6. Save the recording and play using media player. The file extension is .avi but we can convert to another extension.

CamStudio tutorial on youtube:

# Jena Rules

@prefix caIN: <file:ontology/indoorNav.owl#> .

@prefix temporal: <file:ontology/temporal.owl#> .

@include <OWL>.


SWRL ( is proposal for a semantic web rules-language, combining sublanguage of the OWL Web Ontology Language (OWL DL and Lite) with those of rule markup language (RuleML). The Rule Markup Language (RuleML) is a markup language developed to express both forward (bottom-up) and backward (top-down) rules in XML for deduction, rewriting, and further inferential-transformational tasks.


SQWRL (Semantic Query-Enhanced Web Rule Language; pronounced squirrel) is a SWRL-based query language that can be used to query OWL ontologies. SQWRL provides SQL-like operations to format knowledge retrieved from an OWL ontology. SQWRL does not alter SWRL’s semantics and uses the standard SWRL presentation syntax supported by the SWRLTab.


Below is the example of SWRL syntax to infer visitor’s location. (more…)

While the command-line sparql tool is useful for running standalone queries, Java applications can call on Jena’s SPARQL capabilities directly. SPARQL queries are created and executed with Jena via classes in the com.hp.hpl.jena.query package. Using QueryFactory is the simplest approach. QueryFactory has various create() methods to read a textual query from a file or from a String. These create() methods return a Query object, which encapsulates a parsed query. (more…)

Today i attended to Prof. Harold Boley  talk in National Chengchi University Taiwan about POSL. I got new knowledge about one of language in semantic web. POSL integrates Prolog’s positional and F-logic’s slotted syntaxes for representing knowledge (fact and rules) in the semantic web. Positional-slotted(POSL) language accomodates various assertional-logical and object-centered modeling styles.  (more…)

Suppose i have Event e, which hasStartTime t1 and hasEndTime t2. To calculate the duration using SWRL of the event in minutes i use this rule :

Event(?e)  ∧
hasStartTime(?e, ?t1)  ∧
hasEndTime(?e, ?t2)  ∧
temporal:duration(?d, ?t1, ?t2, temporal:Minutes)
  → hasDuration(?e, ?d)

?d is return value in a minute .

I found good resources to know more about semantic web and semantic web technology such as the definition of semantic web, RDF, Ontology and also how to use protege. Here is the addrees :

And for the complete information just visit

I really got that this tutorial is usefull a lot, even for beginner.

In previous posting i wrote about ejip. I use eclipse 3.2 to use jade platform but i didn’t use ejip in my programming 😀

I can create my first agent using jade. I have install eclipse 3.2 and jdk 1.4. and prepare jade before running it. This step by step using jade in eclipse: (more…)

To run Jade easily, we can use Ejip, plug-in to integrate Jade with eclipse. Minimum requirement for ejip are JRE 1.4.2 and eclipse 3.2 . How to install and download ejip can be found at Mars Software website.